Seeds Of The Sun Egg Sizes
green aventurine yoni egg

Green Aventurine Yoni Egg

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Green aventurine, feel grounded and connected

If you find yourself stuck in your mind or replaying scenarios over and over, this stone can help you escape this pattern and let go of old narratives. This is a positive stone, symbolising inner peace, stability and grounding. It enhances the energy of opportunity, good fortune, and luck.

Green aventurine was believed to enhance fertility and libido, making it a popular choice for couples trying to conceive. Our green aventurine yoni egg will help bring you back to your physical body and your connection to the Earth.

All crystals come complete with a How To Guide & come in a Seeds of the Sun wooden box, perfectly keeping your crystal safe & snug when not in use 🖤



Green aventurine yoni egg

Green aventurine is a crystal for grounding and stability. If you have a tendency to overthink or ruminate over situations and get stuck in your mind, green aventurine will help bring you back to your physical body and your connection to the Earth.

How do I use a yoni egg?

Simply slide the egg inside of your vulva (the larger the egg the easier it is to hold so the idea is start from large to small as you start gaining more control) with or without a pull string….. simply squeeze your yoni in intervals to help secure the egg inside. Over time your muscles start to become stronger, like working out at the gym!

Different crystal eggs have different frequencies and healing properties, so each yoni egg has different benefits.

Further reading

Why Choose A Yoni Egg?

Benefits of Yoni Eggs


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Inspired by the healing power of Byron Bay

Yoni Egg - Seeds of the Sun Byron Bay

Reignite your feminine essence!

Rediscover pleasure with yoni eggs and yoni wands.
Unlock your inner magic and embrace your true self.
Discover the beauty and power of your divine feminine.

Yoni Egg - Seeds of the Sun Byron Bay

Inspired by the healing power of Byron Bay

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Reignite your feminine essence!

Rediscover pleasure with yoni eggs and yoni wands. Unlock your inner magic and embrace your true self. Discover the beauty and power of your divine feminine.