Embracing the unhealed healer


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I want to talk about “unhealed healer.” Something that’s always played on my mind.

In my opinion, It’s completely normal for healers, coaches, and therapists to have their own shadows and unhealed parts. In fact openly admitting to imperfections is an attractive quality.

Perfection is an unrealistic goal, and sitting around waiting for it means you’ll be waiting for eternity.

What truly matters is the willingness to acknowledge those shadows and actively work on healing and growth.

When seeking a holistic practitioner or healer, consider these things:

1. Authenticity: Look for someone who openly admits to being human and having their own faults, but who is actively working on them. Authenticity builds relatability and trust.

2. Vulnerability: A practitioner who is willing to share their own journeys, struggles, and learning experiences can create a deeper connection with their clients.

3. Commitment to Growth: Seek out practitioners who prioritize their own personal and professional growth. This demonstrates a dedication to evolving and learning, which can greatly benefit their clients.

4. Holistic Approach: Find a practitioner who takes a holistic approach to healing and wellness, considering the mind, body, and spirit as interconnected.

On the flip side, here are some things to be cautious of:

1. Arrogance: Avoid practitioners who claim to have all the answers or refuse to acknowledge their own faults and toxic behaviours. Humility and self-awareness are key qualities to look for in a practitioner.

2. Lack of Transparency: Beware of practitioners who seem to only present a curated, perfect image without sharing any personal struggles or growth. Transparency is vital in building trust and connection.

3. One-Size-Fits-All Approaches: Be cautious of practitioners who offer generic, cookie-cutter solutions without considering the unique needs and experiences of each client.

Remember, the healing journey is a collaborative process, and finding a practitioner who resonates with you is crucial. Embrace the beauty of imperfection and seek out those who are dedicated to their own growth while supporting yours.

With love,
Cristina XOXO

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